Please read these directions completely before continuing to complete this form online. Your request for renewal cannot be processed if it is incomplete, illegible, or includes false statements.
You can retest to renew your nurse aide certification. You are eligible for reactivation by examination if:
- You have been certified in Mississippi, but your certification has lapsed.
- You are currently certified in Mississippi, but do not have the work history to renew, AND your license is expiring within the next 60 days.
- NOTE: If you submit this application prior to your expiration date, your certification will show as "Archived" on the CNA registry upon approval.
If your application is approved, you will have one attempt to pass the exam. If you do not pass, you must go through a MSDH-approved training program to test again.
- Complete and Submit this Reactivation by Examination Application.
- Once approved, you will receive an email with your Username and Temporary Password to sign in to your TMU© account.
- Please refer to the Mississippi Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook for instructions on Completing your Account and other important testing policies and updates.
Once you have completed all the fields in this application, select 'Send Application' to submit it.